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What is the meaning of Namaste?

When we enter this magical world of meditation and spiritual life, we invariably come across words and phrases that are totally new to us.

These are usually Sanskrit sounds with purely spiritual meanings.

If you have ever practiced yoga, it is certainly not the first time you have heard the word Namaste, and you have probably pronounced it as well. In fact, it is undoubtedly a fundamental word in yoga, but what is the real meaning of Namaste?

Discovering the origin and meaning of Namaste

Namaste, is a verbal and gestural expression originating from India whose meaning is of greeting and also of gratitude. The word is a Sanskrit term composed of the words: «namas», (which means reverence or worship) and «te» (which comes from the personal pronoun «tuam» whose translation is «you»), therefore, joining both words, the literal translation is approximately «I bow to you».

It is a common greeting among those who practice Yoga, being the most dignified and respectful expression of good wishes that can be established between two human beings.

The complete form of the greeting is composed of the verbal expression, accompanied by a corporal gesture consisting of joining the open hands, placing palm to palm (usual prayer position in the Western world) in front of the chest, and a forward inclination of the head. Or, place both hands in front of the forehead.If the intention is to bow to a deity or holiness, the hands should be placed fully above the head.

The corporal expression alone is a gesture with complete meaning, which does not necessarily require verbal expression, while the verbal expression, if accompanied by the corporal gesture.

Namaste has its origin in India, but is also used in Nepal by Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs and Fainists. In certain regions of India in the Punjabi language, this expression is used to greet all people regardless of their religion, based on the principle of universality, of universal love. There are some variants of the word, for example in Nepal you can say Namaskar if the greeting is addressed to someone older, but the meaning of Namaste will always be the same.

Importance of Namaste: Why should we greet in this way?

This mystical term implies the idea that all human beings come from and are part of the same divine essence, the same original energy and the same unique universe. It is considered to be a physical-verbal expression with an enormous wealth of healing and peace-giving power, which can also be used indistinctly as a greeting or farewell.

The expressions «hello» and «goodbye» can be considered synonymous connotations in the Western world. By joining the typical gesture of Namaste with the pronunciation of the sound significantly increases the flow of positive energies, not only inside you but also what you radiate as you activate the heart chakra.

Therefore it is not a simple greeting, but a deployment of energy that benefits the one who performs it and the one who receives it. In addition, greeting someone with the gesture and sound of Namaste is a symbol of respect and expression of love. It is a way to tell the person not just a simple greeting, but to let them understand that you love and respect them. And at that moment your energy and their energy become one.

For this reason there is no doubt that greeting with Namaste should not be an exclusive privilege of those who have opened the doors of their mind, soul and heart to spiritual life. Use it whenever you want, let love flow through you and… Namaste!
